Maine Medical Massage




Maine Medical Massage is intended for patients with medical conditions that require treatment, including intense chronic pain, 

Christine Grimes BCTMB LMT

Not accepting new patients


Clinic location (by appointment only):  Maine Medical Massage, 1146 Minot Avenue, Auburn, Maine


Maine Medical Massage provides board-certified, clinical massage therapy in Auburn, ME and accepts the VA community care network insurance and workers compensation.


Christine Grimes, BCTMB LMT holds an advanced 2200 hour diploma from Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy in Toronto, ON, with over 8 years of experience practicing clinical Massage Therapy.   Specializing in medical massage therapy, treatments are outcome-based and focused on your health goals.  Her integrative treatments include techniques in Swedish massage, sports massage, myofascial release and fascial work, fascial stretching, neuromuscular work, trigger point therapy, and relaxation techniques.



TREATMENT:   Each session begins with a short interview and assessment to determine the treatment.  We will discuss any concerns or preferences and make a treatment plan. 


Treatments include an integration of techniques determined by your tissue condition, presenting complaint, age and comfort level.



Techniques Used:


Specific, mindful deep tissue


Myofascial release


Trigger Point Therapy


Joint play and myofascial stretching


Infrared heat and heating pads


Remedial exercise and self care recommendations